Is there anything sweeter than the love of a father and daughter?

Especially when you see a daughter be there for her dad in a time of need…which is what makes this father-daughter story oh so special!

Carli Saville was getting photos and text from her single dad Jeff prior to his date night out…but didn’t know what to wear! So, he did what he thought would help and sent photos to Carli asking for her opinion on what he should wear.

She decided it was too sweet not to share online…which she is absolutely right! In fact, complete strangers are falling in love with this duo and giving them all the feels.

The sad news, Jeff was stood up. (Excuse me while I go cry ugly tears of sadness for him) the good news? I don’t think he will EVER be stood up again thanks to this story! (The ladies love a sharped dressed man right?)

Check out the tweet below and some of the responses back including some potential dates! You go Jeff Saville!

