Pre-holidays. What is your state of mind right now. Hopeful? Excited? Anxious? Nervous? Overwhelmed? Tired at the thought of it? Maybe a combination of one or more of these things? I’ve learned over the years that this is completely normal. At the same time, you might be at one of two extremes, completely revelling in the energy, or withdrawing at the thought of it all, and that too, is completely normal.
It really depends on knowing what kind of person you are, accepting that, and knowing what you are willing and able to do. And from there, possibly setting some priorities and boundaries for yourself.



How are you doing with the pre-holiday planning, preps, expectations, emotions? I will admit to you I find this time of year a bit overwhelming, which drains some of the joy. I enjoy the lights, the extra social time, the feasting, a gift or two. But I have a limit to how much of it. That said, it takes a lot of time and energy for all of these things to fall into place. There are some people who thrive on the activity, and the hustle and bustle. Thank you to these people who keep Christmas going! For others, the very thought of these things can make you want to shut down before they even start. Chances are you fall somewhere in the middle, or, you may manage the holidays like someone who falls somewhere in the middle.



For sure, this is a wondrous time of year. At its best and most ideal it’s a time of faith and family and friends and fun. However, the time of year sometimes has a way of pressuring us to do more, creeping into our schedules and bank accounts in a way that can become draining. I’ve learned that there is nothing wrong with creating boundaries. Maybe you need to scale back on the amount of gifts you buy, or the parties you host, or just the time you spend on “things” to do with the holidays.


Maybe we need to be more open with each other about what we are comfortable/not comfortable with, about celebrating the holidays. And in being open, we in turn also need to be less judgmental, and more accepting of others, whose idea of celebrating the holidays may not directly mesh with ours.  If we talk a little more, it may release some of the pressure and increase understanding.

An early wish to you for a very happy and peaceful “PRE”-Christmas!

If you want to write or share, I’m at

Filed under: christmas and holiday stress